ABOUT : Woman of Vision

Welcome to The Dream Collage, my project portfolio intended to inspire all of us to be courageous and make our dreams come true.
If you want to get to know me better personally, please befriend me on facebook and send me a message:
My facebook profile: click HERE
My website: www.helgasoley.com
But I love to write, so here I introduce myself as Woman of Vision through words. This text is written in 2011:
My name is Sóley and I’m an artist!
I may not be professionally trained illustrator, painter, photographer, drummer in a band, dancer, web designer, interior decorator, architect, opera singer, performing artist, clothing designer or a sculpturist. But I AM an artist!
I’m a creator, I create with LIFE, I do, am, feel, sense, think, love, dream, scream, choose, learn, teach, play, sulk, smile, I CREATE.
We create every single minute of each day. We constantly dream and weave into reality our thoughts and our aspirations.. emotions.. ( our cooking, whether good or bad) Even our dark, grayish days become a part of our life’s patchwork.
I created this website to manifest my Dreams Awake! Yes, I love to write, make collages, sing and dance. But I wanted to be an example of an ordinary girl that wants/chooses to make her life extra-ordinary, by living it fully and being the ARTIST of LIFE itself, welcoming all the beautiful colors of this world to come and dance and sing with her, because we are after all, singing this song together, the UNI*VERSE.
" May my projects, big or small, serve as inspiration to others"
I believe that we are not separate from nature, the cosmos or other beings on Earth. The Andean people of the ancient times so beautifully incorporated this belief into their only governing law, the law of AYNI or sacred reciprocity. The sacred act of giving and receiving is the law of nature. WE ARE ONE.
These pages are therefore dedicated to the play of LIVING and LOVING* and the CELEBRATING of LIFE and PEACE.
Everything that makes me smile, everything that makes my days lighter and everything that inspires me, will be poured onto these webpages, in color, text, photos, videos and audio files, because I know that what makes my heart smile & shine, will most definitely inspire other light family members and make their hearts smile & shine.
ICELAND : My Mother
I am Icelandic, I LOVE ICELAND. The country gives me strength and courage, and fuels me with CREATIVITY. Being away, living in other countries, travelling, has made me realize this on a deeper level. I lived in Denmark for a while, in the arms of the 'soft' and nurturing Mother. We exchanged a lot, and there were many beautiful presents she graced me with, which I am so grateful for. But I longed for the time when I would reunite with Mother ICELAND. I have traveled the world a bit, so I have seen and experienced many great things and learned many valuable life lessons. Those experiences have strengthened my connection to my Mother ground and I have sensed more and more how aligned I am with her BEING. We are ONE. Therefore whilst I was away, parted from her, I used the opportunity to try my wings out, widen my horizon and gain knowledge and skills. Now I continue my journey, and will truly deeply practice the wisdom of this world that continuously unfolds within and around me.
The world is so abundant with beauty that sometimes I feel like I’m bursting. I want/choose to share my dreams today, contributing to this world that’s awakening. What we dream awake makes reality*
From my first days of weaving The Dream Collage into form, in January 2012 - Sóley writes:
(for those who like to read)
note: The Dream Collage was at first supposed to be a blog, but took form as a free standing website, then later it became my project portfolio, an extension of helgasoley.com
This blog is an experiment! The thing is, I’m an entrepreneur. I get crazy many inspirations for ‘an idea’ every day or week, so my mental inbox is always quite full! I feel the need to put it all out there, to have a living, totally organic blog.
I am a marketer, studied Marketing Management/Business/Entrepreneurship, so I know the importance of doing things right and in the right order, how to woo people, get them interested in what I’m doing or selling, have the right branding strategy and you know, “what’s the income model” type of mindset. To know where the passion lies in the project, and to have short term/long time goals all lined up. Well, that’s why this is an experiment. I want to brake the rule! This site will be a living sketch book of things that excite me and make me happy, multi-layered. That’s how I want to inspire people, by allowing access into the creation room, where the magic is happening.
I LOVE so many things. But first rule for the entrepreneur, at least when starting up, is to have focus on only ONE thing! FOCUS. Brilliant, I love that and I totally agree. Your energy flows into the direction of where you hold your awareness. Nevertheless, here I am, writing these lines, starting a whole new blog, though other projects are on hold. I should actually be searching for a paying J-O-B right this minute, the clock is ticking, but I just can’t do it. If there is anything I know about focus, it is, that it is absolutely (almost) impossible to have focus on something you don’t like or you don’t particularly fancy to do.
So NO, I don’t want to just do something for money, so here I am starting a new project. And it’s like my fingers are glued to the keyboard, I’m so excited about this that I totally ignore the two little “Yes you should/ No you shouldn’t beings, on each shoulder. I am in a wave of creation and I’m riding it, no matter what anybody says, or though my unpaid Mastercard bill is staring me in the face, screaming for attention. Shhhhh shhhhh little one, I will deal with you later. Now I am Scarlet O’Hara and I’ll take care of you tomorrow. Now I’m working, now I feel good, Now I’m in total alignment with the Divine. Ahhh, so much better then just running under the covers when feeling like the world is just a little bit too much.
Well, where was I? I love so many things, Yes! I have a book filled with projects, books I wanna write, shops I want to open, blogs I want to start with, ideas for restaurants and cafés and magazines, and retreats, and websites.. online stores, events, seminars, key-note speaker events, I want to work with my family with their creations, I’m currently working on a beautiful PEACE event in Iceland, and I will always have my passion project, my vision, my goal, my raison d’être right there, guiding me (which will come to light soon and I will share it with you). But like a very very clever man once said, it’s all about the journey not the destination. So I am going to enjoy the ride, and have a brilliant time*
Back to the experiment. Like I said earlier, I want to brake the rule a bit. The rule of having everything ready and ‘bullet proof’ before showing it to audiences. I want my enthusiasm about new adventure to spark other new ideas, so the flow is continuous. I think in many cases people often talk and talk about what they would love to do, but they don’t act on those things. That’s why The Dream Collage is to inspire the reader to DO, take action! What you dream awake makes reality* I sometimes think about all the drawings, ideas, poems, inventions, sketches, songs and brilliant things … that exist somewhere in a little pocket book or a note book, on a piece of toilet paper even or a torn out corner of a news paper, that no one except the creator/ the person gets to see and enjoy. Isn't that fascinating? I think it is absolutely mind blowing! (That could actually be an idea for a short film!)
On this blog I will therefore post a lot of different subjects, but one thing for sure, they will all be linked to Mind-Body-Spirit-Heart things and matters, and THINGS! So I will also allow myself to post about something I would totally love having, reading or enjoying; a spiritual retreat to the Bahamas, or a beautiful necklace that will always connect one to Mother Mary, or a multicolored Chakra scarf, motivational e-book or/and hopefully in the future you will be guided to one of my web-shops where you can buy big bags of almonds for a reasonable price, so you can make your own home made almond milk, and hemp hearts that don’t cost an arm and a leg.
So please join me as I travel around, I am about to embark on an inner & outer journey, that will liven up our days and keep us growing from within. My new motto is: I am a genuinly happy person