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What is it ? 


Le Petit Oiseau is the book I am writing. The title is French and translates into 'The Little Bird'. The only reason for a French book title is that I love the French language, always have, always will, and those words are just so pretty together* I already have the book cover ready (it is not the beautiful painting here to the left though) But this one is also inspiring me as I go along, as I ride the wave of creation through story telling and playing with the imagination. I believe the read will be a journey for the reader, as it has been, and still is, a journey for me to witness and play a part in the unfolding of it. One thing for sure, we will be journeying through a floating timezone and dimensions. 




The Creation Room: 

I am working on the composition, but (now allowing access into the creation room) here are a few chapter titles, just to air them out a bit :)

  • Drops of Movement
  • From Balance to Harmony
  • The Divine Kiss
  • Breaking the Code
  • Ego exhaustion
  • To be the I
  • The Journey

The Journey ~ excerpt

~ We were so close we could almost smell the sweet aroma of burning wood, the scent reaching out to us, swirling like dancers, the spirits of the North in disguise  alluring like sirens. The moment of gathering was steadily ripening and it longed for our presence.  The fires at Wisdom Rock had been lit, we could feel it in our bones. The journeying continued..

Helga Sóley's Project Portfolio

The Dream Collage exists to support visions and to manifest dreams. This site is my project portfolio, ever-evolving and in constant creation.  To visit my website please go to: / Contact:​ /

Disclaimer: As a HEART-person I know and trust that you will honor me and respect my projects and their delicate emergence. All rights to the material on this site are reserved, and are here on display to serve as inspiration. Please feel free to contact me if you feel drawn to anything I do. I welcome collaboration, and would be happy to hear from you. We need each other

Yours, always from the heart 

Helga Sóley

© 2011-2016

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