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Iceland is an entity, a country that vibrates its unique energy and by doing so contributes to the collective world grid at large.

Iceland is an island located in the North Atlantic. The proximity to the arctic circle, the geographical location of the island and the Gulf Stream is what makes living conditions here very special. We have relatively mild but very dark winters and cool summers with the sun shining constantly. It is a country of contrasts, Fire and Ice, Earth and Wind,  which ignites great creativity and motion. How we have had to abide to the laws of nature and learn how to live of the land and sea has been the predominant factor in moulding the nation, its history and culture.



The Lady of the Mountain, first depicted in a poem 1757, has become the female incarnation of Iceland. She is the personification of the country, its people and culture.

As such her presence is felt in the heart of the nation, and therefore carries it‘s collective vibration.

What is the Icelandic Power Deck? 

The Lady of the Mountain Cards ~The Icelandic Power Deck, are messages from the Lady of the Mountain. Each card depicts one manifestation of how the Lady of the Mountain expresses herself through form, feeling, vibration or place in Iceland. Hence each card carries and emanates a message reflected in a beautiful painting on one side of the card, and through text on the other side.

The Icelandic Power Deck contains 44 cards and an accompanying book, with more and detailed reading on each card and the deck as a whole. The cards can serve simply as something beautiful to look at, and to furthermore read about Iceland, its culture and nation from a new perspective. Another way is to use the cards as a 'tool' in energy work, by connecting on a deeper level with the messages from the Lady of the Mountain. 




The team and my involvement:


This project is teamwork between my family members. My mother, the intuitive artist Helga Sigurðardóttir, paints all the pictures, and I am responsible for all the written material. The  brainstorming, the meditation and manifestation is in the hands of all of us, my parents, my sister and myself.

Estimated time of publishing and distribution is 2016

We are looking for a graphic designer and a 'layout' person to help us with the product developing.

We love cooperation

If you are one and feel a pull towards joining us in this creation

Helga Sóley's Project Portfolio

The Dream Collage exists to support visions and to manifest dreams. This site is my project portfolio, ever-evolving and in constant creation.  To visit my website please go to: / Contact:​ /

Disclaimer: As a HEART-person I know and trust that you will honor me and respect my projects and their delicate emergence. All rights to the material on this site are reserved, and are here on display to serve as inspiration. Please feel free to contact me if you feel drawn to anything I do. I welcome collaboration, and would be happy to hear from you. We need each other

Yours, always from the heart 

Helga Sóley

© 2011-2016

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