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​What is it ?  The  Vision &  Mission

The YANTRA PAINTINGS are art pieces created in collaboration between my mother and father, Helga and Vidar.


The vision and core of the project is very pure; to support the unison of the female and male energies in the world.

For the world to experience harmony and peace, we must find that balance within us, between the female and the male principles, whether in action or in vibration.

To serve the vision, the YANTRA PAINTINGS are created and sold worldwide. The energies stemming from the paintings are very positive and life affirming. The paintings have great harmonizing and healing effects when looked at and in the space they are placed


When and how did it all begin:

My mother first had a vision one afternoon 10 years ago whilst walking up the stairs at her home. She is an artist, an intuitive artist working with light and other worldly realms. Beautiful worlds she creates* and they all exist in other dimensions. She had a vision of the sacred Sri Yantra, which symbolizes the divine masculine and feminine in perfect harmony, on 1 meter x 1 meter sized canvas, applied on top of vivid colors of the chakra system (our subtle energy vortexes/centers). One color on each canvas.

Then during the summer of 2012 mother together with father, a hypnotherapist and a healer, started working with the idea and produced 15 pieces of YANTRA PAINTINGS. The first collection of their collaboration was manifested and they called it 'The Creation Series'.




My involvement:

My project in the beginning was to make a 'brand' for their duo creation, designing their 'look' so to speak; I used to make a website for, and used a layout I saw fit. Designing the business cards and hand outs, writing texts and choosing pictures for the website, and having pictures taken etc.,  that was one part of it. The other part was the launch of their co-creation and the website.

On August 18th we held the first exhibition and the launch. My job was to execute that task. It was held on Culture night in Reykjavík, so part of it was to make it fun and exciting, buy the bubble wine and chocolates, flowers and the works. It was so much fun and ever so rewarding. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have the launch on this date and in the culture wrapped environment the old theater/cinema house Gamla Bíó offered. Thank you to  my friend Thorey Eva* Today I take care of all managerial affairs for YANTRA PAINTINGS.

Helga Sóley's Project Portfolio

The Dream Collage exists to support visions and to manifest dreams. This site is my project portfolio, ever-evolving and in constant creation.  To visit my website please go to: / Contact:​ /

Disclaimer: As a HEART-person I know and trust that you will honor me and respect my projects and their delicate emergence. All rights to the material on this site are reserved, and are here on display to serve as inspiration. Please feel free to contact me if you feel drawn to anything I do. I welcome collaboration, and would be happy to hear from you. We need each other

Yours, always from the heart 

Helga Sóley

© 2011-2016

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